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Doesn't your largest investment deserve a little more?
Jeez Louise, no wonder our profession tussles with attorney's for the most hated profession in America!
We're different. We learn, network, collaborate and represent some of the top deal makers across the nation. In fact, our clientele includes some of the largest REITS, hedge funds, investors and portfolio managers in the entire world. We're confident once you know what you WON'T get from a BIG BOX agency, you'll want to work with us too! selling it for a PROFIT! We know you're looking for an ally, an agent who will help you get the most amount of money, in the least amount of time. It sounds so simple, and, it is!
Unfortunately, it probably won't work that way for you. And that's why we think you should certainly contact us before you sign on the dotted line and list with any other agency.
See, most REALTORS HATE listings. That's right, HATE THEM. Why? Well... because sellers can be very demanding and definitely have certain expectations of performance. No, they aren't warm and fluffy, happily deciding where the couch and coffee table will go... No. Sellers are in a MUCH different frame of mind. And the agent they choose should be as well!
Perhaps you've even said it yourself..."3% for unlocking the door? HA! I should be an agent!" Which is exactly why, we have nearly 600 agents in the Verde Valley, the majority with little experience.
Working with sellers takes WORK, and we'd like the opportunity to apply for the job.
Not only have we been selling properties in Sedona & The Verde Valley since 1997, we have the experience of hundreds and hundreds and HUNDREDS of property sales throughout Northern Arizona, so you can be certain we won't be learning how to do the job, on the job.
So, if you're ready to get serious about moving up or moving out, consider putting our brokerage on your list of agencies for interview. We guarantee you won't find a finer suite of services than what we offer at Options & Opportunities, LLC.
Also, We have multiple ways to help you maximize your equity out of the transaction. Ask us how!
"The real estate industry is saddled with a large number of part- time, untrained, unethical and/or incompetent agents. This knowledge gap threatens the credibility of the industry. Masses of marginal agents are destroying our reputation."
2015 National Association of REALTORS Danger Report, pgs 20-21.
1. 90% of New REALTORS will not be in business longer than 5 years. 45% wont make it through the first year.
2. The average agent across the nation sells only 6- 7 homes each year.
3. On average, most agents at local BIG BOX franchises only sell 3-4 homes per year. And, new agents almost ALWAYS start their career at a big box franchise.
4. Many REALTORS are part-time or semi-retired, only a handful treat it as a full time, professional career.
5. Most REALTORS focus on representing buyers, so they're somewhat pre-programmed to advocate a buyers interests, instead of the sellers.
6. Remember!!! Marketing is only HALF the job. Your agent will also perform roles typically reserved for ATTORNEYS in most states. Would you hire him or her to represent you in court? You better, because they might have to testify on your behalf!!
7. The contract all Arizona REALTORS use, was not written to protect a seller, AT ALL ( See item FIVE).
8. The average agent across the nation will not net more than 30,000 in any given year. Chances are, they lack funding to properly market your property.
9. If your agent hasn't had a recent sale, chances are, they're hungry. They may temporarily forget their allegiance should be to you, first and foremost, ALWAYS.
10. The only training most agents receive is on the job. Or, at best, a 2 week crash course where agents learn scripts of what to say to a buyer or seller to make them buy or sell. No, I'm not kidding! I always think of that insurance commercial where there's a large classroom of white collars chanting, " What do we do? DENY THE CLAIM!".... " What do we do? DENY THE CLAIM!"